Fuji X Pro 1, Christmas shopping in the rain…

December 16, 2013

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong.
J. Lennon

I went into Liverpool city centre to pick up a couple of bits for Christmas and, naturally, I had my XP1 with me. I decided to devote a little time to capturing some street shots when it started to rain…even though the XP1 isn’t weather sealed, I carried on. There were no problems with using the camera in the rain and am quite happy with some of the shots…it really is amazing what you see if you look. I had to be a little “covert” with a couple of the shots, nearly looking away and whistling as I pressed the shutter from waist level!

Anyway, here a few processed in Lightroom with Replichrome and the Kodak 400CN preset with a few (not many) little adjustments…

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