We spent a lovely hour with Liz and Andrew in Calderstones park shooting their pre wedding images. It really was lovely with lots of leaves still on the trees, some on the floor and some beautiful sun light dappling through the leaves. Like most couples, they were, understandably a little nervous, but we were soon over that and we had a great time together. Here are a few stills from the shoot with a video to follow soon. There will be a second post from this shoot as we shot a couple of rolls of film. When we fist met up before they booked, I mentioned my love of shooting film and they were really keen to try some on the pre wedding shoot and then possibly at their wedding. As film takes around 10 days or so to get processed and scanned, we will post those images when they are ready in a couple of weeks.
For the photographers, all the images in this post were shot on a Nikon D3s and a Nikon D700. They were processed in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with a combination of VSCO Packs 1 and 2 and also Totally Rad Replichrome with some also going through Alien Skin Exposure 5. I have just bought Replichrome after almost exclusively using the VSCO stuff, which I really love. However, the Replichrome presets offer a nice alternative. I’ll be doing a more complete review of the experience in the next couple of weeks.